Keyboard Emulator

Morse Keyboard /Type-M, Type-D

Keyboard Emulator Using Eye-gaze Input

Morse Keyboard /Type-M, Type-D

This is a personal computer input device intended for the peoples with disabilities who can't use a standard keyboard ( muscular dystrophies with limited mobility of fingers and cerebral palsies incapable of sophisticated movements).

The new device applies Morse codes for input of characters. Each character is expressed by a combination of "dot" and "dash" (e.g. "dot dash" for [a]) and is entered by pressing the "input" key. Three keys minimum are required for input of all characters. The number of keys and their types can be modified according to the disabilities.

Now we prepare "dot,dash,input,enter,backspace rep and ss" keys. "Enter" and "backspace" keys are frequently used to operate personal computer,so oparater input dilectly "enter" or "backspace" switch in order to input "enter" or "backspace" Morse code. "Rep" means repeat and "ss" is used to change to computer control mode.

There are two type,type M(memorized-based ) and type D(display-based).

[Morse Keyboard (Type M) is hear.]

Morse Keyboard / Type-M (The oparator must memorize all code.)

[Morse Keyboard (Type D) is hear.]

Morse Keyboard / Type-D (The oparator refers small Liquid Cristal Display(LCD).)

[Schematic diagram of Morse Keyboard system.]

Schematic diagram of Morse Keyboard system

[An initial plane of small LCD for Type D is hear.]

Morse Keyboard / Type-D (An initial plane)

All alphabets are classified into "dot" started code and "dash" started code in an initial plane of a small LCD. When you input one "dot", [e] is candidate("dot" is [e] and when you input "input" key, [e] is input to computer) and "dot" started alphabets are classified into again "dot dot" started alphabets and "dot dash" started alphabets in a small LCD plane.

[e is hear.]

LCD plane changes when one "dot" is input

And when "dash" is input, [a] is candidate("dot dash" is [a] and when you input "input" key, [a] is input to computer) and "dot dash" started alphabets are classified into again "dot dash dot" started alphabets and "dot dash dash" started alphabets in a small LCD plane.

[a is hear.]

LCD plane changes when "dot dash" is input

You input "dot" or "dash" key until your desired alphabet is candidate. And input "input" key, so your desired alphabet is input to computer. Morse keyboard emulator control the LCD display according to input code (dot or dash ) and send to computer keyboard code. We define originally computer control code ( enter, esc, Tab, space, etc.).

The operator refers this small LCD display to input computer,so we call this type "display-based". If you can memorize all Morse codes, you don't need this small display. (We call this case momorized-based)

Keyboard Emulator Using Eye-gaze Input

An Eye Gaze input system is the ultimate solution when used as an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system, because eye movement may be one of the few controlled movements available in many severe physical disabilities such as muscular dystrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The user can select a desired character by gazing at it for two or three seconds. Simple japanese word processing software is provided and the user can write any documents. And we developed eye gaze keyboard emulator. The user can use any application software by eye gazing. Eye gaze input application sends selected character code to the emulator through RS-232C. And the emulator translates and sends it's keyboard code to the computer through USB.

[Schematic diagram of EYE-gaze system.]

Schematic diagram of EYE-gaze system

[Schematic diagram of EYE-gaze Keyboard system.]

Schematic diagram of EYE-gaze Keyboard system