
 現在、研究所運動機能系障害研究部に滞在しているBimal Lakhaniさんを紹介します。Bimalさんは大学院修士課程の2年生で、姿勢研究や脳卒中のリハビリテーションに関する研究で著名なトロントリハビリテーション研究所のWilliam Mcllroy教授のもとで研究を行っています。今回の滞在は、日本学術振興会(JSPS)とカナダ自然科学工学研究機構(NSERC)が共催する外国人大学院生対象のサマープログラムによるもので、6月末から2ヶ月の間、当研究室を拠点として研究活動を行っています。

As a fellow visiting Japan from the University of Toronto, Canada in the JSPS summer program, I feel very privileged and honoured to have the opportunity to work with many well established scientists at the NRCD. All of the researchers and staff have exceptionally accommodating and welcoming in getting me adjusted to life, as well as science, here in Tokorozawa.
During my stay, I have been working in Department of Rehabilitation for the Movement Functions, under the supervision of Nakazawa-sensei* and Kawashima-san. Together, we are investigating a novel method of gait rehabilitation for individuals who have suffered a stroke. Scientists here at NRCD previously discovered that using a passive gait trainer, such as Lokomat, for spinal cord injured patients can result in increased spinal cord excitability, resulting in elevated and more normal lower limb muscle activity following training. In an attempt to build on this important research, we are implementing a passive gait training intervention for individuals who have suffered a stroke, who suffer from impaired walking ability as a result of gait asymmetry. We hope that a short intervention such as this can improve gait symmetry and muscle activity by utilizing intact neural sensory pathways and lay the groundwork for a rehabilitation technique that allows individuals with stroke to regain independent, functional ambulation.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to visit this world-class facility and to be surrounded by such dedicated researchers.
Domo arigato gozaimasu!
Bimal Lakhani



*中澤公孝 前運動機能系障害研究部長は7月1日付で退職され、東京大学総合文化研究科教授に着任されました。

(写真)Bimal Lakhaniさん