Supported by Health Science Research Grants

Nationwide survey

On the status of speech training for children with cochlear implants and development of a method of hearing and speech training

Environment of hearing and speech training of children with cochlear implants in facility
Profiles of individual children with cochlear implants
Summary of questionnaire results

Seventy-four effective answers in total were obtained in the study of facilities in the first section, and 125 effective answers were obtained in the study of individuals in the second section. Items for which the number of effective answers was less than half the total possible number of responses for that item were excluded from the statistical treatment.

Questionnaire of the ÒNationwide survey on the status of speech training for children with cochlear implants and development of a method of speech trainingÓ supported by Health Science Research Grants.

Copyright 2001 "Health Science Res. Grants. Japan: H11-Disabil.-004" All rights reserved.

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